Saturday, October 12, 2013

Persistent and relentless

If any of you know me, you know tenacity is my middle name. Backing down is not something I do easily. But I have also had to move past some distractions and emotional and mental blocks. Not excuses, but things that have been in my sight instead of my goals. I have been back to focusing on diet and working out and I am already seeing changes. Thanks to a good friend Kevin, he has introduced me to iifym aka if it fits your macros. You can read more on if you would like some great calculators to get you started and some more of the philosophy behind it. In a nutshell it is no food is off limits or dirty (vs clean eating). If you want a cookie have a cookie but make it fit. The majority of your choices are going to be lean meats, quality complex carbs, and good fats. These are essential for your body to be the best it can. It also means you don't have to go through "never being allowed to even look at ice cream." It's not the only eat cabbage soup diet, juicing cleanses, Atkins, paleo, SAD, or any diet in particular. While I still make mostly paleo choices I do that because of how I feel when I eat paleo. Pasta and breads just don't make me feel good. I have no intolerance to them, but they make my gut bloat and ache. Why choose a food that makes you feel that way? You don't. 

I was gaining a little weight. I have put on about 15 pounds. Not unhealthy weight gain, but I know it's because I haven't been careful. I have overate and not made choices that make my body happy. I have also slacked in my efforts to go to the gym. Well I am happy to report, I have been consistently going to the gym and tracking my food choices. And I am seeing changes. My body is reshaping itself. I am feeling so much more in tune with what is hunger. No longer am I eating to that uncomfortable full make your belly hurt level. Being almost 24 weeks out from competition I feel more focused than ever to reach my goal and take the win.

I am so grateful for the support I have this go around. More of my friends are behind me. My kids are ever supportive and tolerant. My man is wonderful. Ever aware and careful to make sure I can stay on track. I have made connections online with fellow competitors  and watching them and seeing their dogged persistence has helped me remember why this is the goal. Why it's worthy of my time. 

So the next time you think about not choosing the food you need, or working out, or one more rep, or..., or..., or. The list can go on and on, you ambition will get you so far. It's your persistence that will pave the path and lead the way. 

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